
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why I do what I do...

So I decided I have a new goal...write on this blog everyday...I have followed many health care blogs that have influenced the way I think and look at the field, and feel this gives me an opportunity to do so as well.

Today my thoughts are on how I spend my time. I found myself looking at ebook readers for about an hour and a half tonight...wishing...dreaming, why? Because it's technology and the cool people have them. I looked to my left, and on my couch lies a pile of books recently checked out from the library. I have yet to finish a single one of them. Instead of dreaming, why not do? Why not be content with the things we have? Why not make the most of the present and dwell less on the future? My quest over the next few weeks is to not waste time. I want to focus on the important things like my family and school.

I was really frustrated tonight about wasting so much time. My wife helped me remember my passion I had for cycling and asked me why I did it. Why would I wake up in Utah on snowy days and go ride my bike? Why would I ride up a 5 mile road to the top of a mountain in the middle of July? Because it was hard. That is my motivation to manage my time better...because it is hard. I choose to do many things in life because they are hard. I managed in economics because I enjoyed it, but more because it was viewed by others as difficult. So maybe it's a pride issue, but I want to work on weaknesses because it is hard. I want to exercise everyday because it is hard. I want to get a Master's degree because it is hard.

I do many things because they are hard.

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